Serving Up Local Love
Our owner/chef Mary Nguyen has been a supporter of countless non-profit organizations throughout Colorado. Every month
Olive & Finch partners with a non-profit organization in our “Dining for a Cause” program, benefiting local and national programs.
We also participate in many fundraising events through food donations, gift certificates and employee participation.
Hope Kids, Colorado Common Cause, Work options for Women, Share our Strength, The Haven, Project Angel Heart, Denver Zoo, Denver Children’s Choir, Leukemia and Lymphoma foundation, SOUP and Feeding the Family are just a few organizations we support.
Please keep in mind that due to the large volume of submissions, we cannot always donate to every cause (we really wish we could).
However, we will give serious consideration to your request and respond within 4-5 weeks. Additional information may be requested
before a final response is given.
If you are looking for our support for your non-profit organization, please tell us about yourself.